Monday, February 28, 2011

Arguments in DVM

Amid world cup fever with MOB (Men in Blue) finding mojo, here is my small piece on Data Validation Manager with constant Alt-Tab as SRT is on way for number 47.
One of the striking features of Data Validation Manager is the flexibility with which it allows to access fields in the underlying buscomp(Current Record) and child buscomp(All Records) in expressions. One can also pass arguments at run time to DVM which can be used in expression for evaluation.

We need to define arguments in the "Arguments" tab for the rule set.

This argument can be used in the expression just by appending the argument name with "&". Just like we use parameters in Data Map expressions.

This arguments should be passed in the workflow invoking the DVM as Property Set.

This allows us to pass multiple arguments to DVM at runtime which could be evaluated in the expression.

With my productivity going less than 50% just wishing all memorable cricket world cup...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tab Order in Grid Layout

Sequencing of fields in form applet can be of immense help for end user. It eases out the task of filling the form quickly and effectively. Siebel supports setting the tab order for the fields displayed in the form applet.

1 - Navigate to the Applet and select Edit Web Layout.

2 - In siebel tools toolbar select Format and Click on Set Tab Order or short cut key is Alt+O+O.

3 - Define the tab order by clicking the controls displayed in the sequence as desired.

4 - Compile object and check out for the tab order.

Real ease for user done in real ease manner.

Happy Sequencing !!